6 steps to manifest intentions in 2023
The purpose of your soul
on this earth is to grow.
To find your balance in self-control.
To balance karma.
To complete your mission
earth with the gift and talent that has been given to you.
This is how you make your way back to the Light from which you came.
The end of all you
your True Pure Self.
Let’s start this year with a mastery class on setting intentions and actual manifestation.
With the bigger picture of your purpose as a soul here on Earth in mind and with your 2023 intentions on the horizon, the next steps are about setting up the grid to get there.
Learning to understand the energies and use of the cycles of the universal forces of the sun, moon and stars is key to manifestation and part of a higher conscious existence.
This is the wheel of Samsara that helps you grow and develop in this life, becoming a single-minded loving human soul who creates a piece of heaven on earth.
If you choose….
When you work on yourself to overcome the ego and learn how to control your mind, body and spirit.
Forgotten and doubted by many, half understood and picked up by trends, but still best practiced and used by the most powerful and richest people on this earth; numbers, dates, cycles, geometry, astrology and alchemy.
And they are also your natural power and the lost truth of your life’s creation, believe it or not.
If you follow these 6 steps:
“Everything you’ve ever wanted is just 6 steps away. And so it is.” Danielle
1. Set future intentions as if it were now
2. Adjust your life structure accordingly
3. Adjust your mindset to this
4. Examine where you block yourself
5. Plan actions for the above
6. Commit to learning to direct your Mind Body & Spirit
1. Set future intentions as if it were now
If you have found targets for 2023; then turn them into intentions. What would you like to experience, feel and be; at the service of others? In the service of the self is ego and is about what I want. Your purpose is much higher than the ego. So go higher. Not for less.
State your intentions as if you are already experiencing it, so you are describing the feeling and not the thing or situation or relationship. Name the emotion. Mention the energy you want to become and be. This world and this entire universe including your Self (your higher Self that is, the lower self is just the ego).
2. Adjust your life structure accordingly
3. Adjust your mindset to this
Steps 2 and 3 are about setting up the grid. The most important and overlooked steps when it comes to setting intentions.
By a grid I mean the Mind – Body structures that create the vehicle and environment in which you can navigate life as it comes your way and allow the energies to flow through you with power. A structure, a grid that helps intentions grow; the seeds you feel and say you want to bloom.
Example: If your wish is to get a healthy and strong body this year. So that you have more energy and can therefore enjoy life better.
But your environment and that intent are not aligned; missing the right eating habit and your self-care habits are not what they should be;
then the chance that you will achieve that strong body and health is as good as zero.
What most people are doing right now is half an effort to set up a gym membership and set a goal to cut down on sugar and snacks. Knowing that if they have a bad day, they probably won’t be strong enough to keep it up.
So that is not enough.
You must be super efficient in energy and dedicated to setting up the structure for the rest, training, learning how to cook healthy food, the layout of your kitchen, the refrigerator, the shopping list and all the preparation skills of a person with a healthy and fit body.
It takes more than a half-hearted idea.
So set your schedule and structure for each month. Plan your training and also plan your rest well so that your body can really become stronger.
If you are a social, overactive workaholic, you will learn new life skills.
You need more sleep to get more energy and you need more time to eat and prepare food. And of course it is important to choose from different types of exercise and care: cardio fitness, yoga, swimming, muscle training, massage, sauna.
This is the grid that gives you a fit and healthy-feeling structure that is guaranteed to transform your body.
But this is not even the most important part.
The outdoor environment can be prepared with a schedule, with groceries and appointments for the massage and yoga classes.
But now come the temptations and challenges of life.
What happens when we get down to business with our lives is that stress, shit, other people’s problems, fatigue, and cravings for short-term gratification will pull relief to you.
And then it comes down to manifesting your intentions.
Is your inner environment, your mindset, your emotional state, your emotional library, your psychological memory and your drive and willpower Clear, Aware and Ego or Heart driven?
Because humans are creatures of habit. And the habits are the ingrained and programmed thoughts, emotions, triggers and behaviors that activate the programmed subconscious ego to take over in an instant.
To ensure that you get quick gratification, escape, relief and an easy way out when stress arises.
And your ego will pull you down into organized disappointment in those unconscious ingrained thought patterns that your life grid, your life script, your comfort zone of expectations about you, your achievements, your destiny and the world around you. If you don’t become aware of this.
And without working on this inner environment and the driver (Mind) behind the wheel of your vehicle (Body) you will most likely end up in the Maze of the Ego with dead ends, instead of the Labyrinth which has only one path, but many turns lead you to the heart of your desires in alignment with your Spirit.
Overcoming the ego means deprogramming the mind and working on strengthening your spiritual divine willpower which is so much stronger and greater in energy and potential than what the little ego would have you believe.
4. Examine where you block yourself
To test yourself; pull out your list of intentions for 2023.
Ask yourself the question with Am I?
Will I really get the experience of a healthy body in 2023?
Now feel what is happening and who is answering.
If you feel a definite yes, that is your heart’s desire and your soul knows it. Continue creating the grid.
If you are hesitant to answer and/or if you feel shame or uncertainty hanging in your stomach. Then that is where you still block energy with negative beliefs and expectations about your Self. This is where your ego and your script will trip you up.
This is where your job is……
5. Plan actions for the above
Plan the necessary actions to realize the grid, so that the energy can flow through your Mind and Body during the days and weeks ahead, towards your goal and your heart.
And get started.
6. Commit to further learning to direct your Mind Body & Spirit
“To know yourself is to become your Self and to understand life in full Love and Light”. Danielle
Work on overcoming the ego by understanding your unconscious mind’s script to break habits.
Feed your physical body and reality with that which nourishes and supports your destiny, your intentions and your purpose.
Increase your energy by clearing your emotional body of old hurts and very systemic family patterns by clearing and making different choices.
Connect with your inner powers and enlighten yourself with the Self Love, the God Power that is in you and me.
Go for high quality, high frequency and high energy in everything you take in.
Have a sparkling 2023.
And so it is
I send you love
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