Mastery in actualization of yourself
Having knowledge of your own talent and potential is essential to be able to make the step towards a match between you and the context in your life. If you learn to identify your own core values, motivations, qualities and talents, you will have a clear picture of the blueprint of your DNA . Then you also understand where and why you block, get stuck and encounter resistance.
Mastery offers training & workshops to make your own identity and autonomy, the ingredients for your Flow tangible, visible and controllable.
You will experience at several times in your life that a mismatch has arisen.
The feeling of Flow is gone and the stress and displeasure increase. Time to move.
Time to grow from a conscious mismatch to a conscious match.
Advantages of your own identity & DNA :
Knowing your potential has advantages:
– You know what you do and don’t want and can do.
– You know what your specific contribution to the world and/or to an organization can be.
– You know what you need to be in balance, development and Flow.
– You know what it takes to start from your own DNA; talents, values and motivations and make your choices from there.
– You set your ambitions realistically and are actively involved in creating a context in which optimal development and deployment of your potential is possible.
– You are aware of your limits and possibilities, strengths and weaknesses
– You proactively work on your well-being, flow and making your contribution in life and/or in your work.
– You experience passion and drive from your heart and that is seen around you.
– You (re) find your joy in life, in work and you feel connected to others on a deeper level.
– You experience very conscious satisfaction and fulfillment.
Training Talent Development for Professionals
Workshop Identity & DNA
Mastery level 2 Autonomy & Identity
Training Become a Mastery Coach