Coaching for Professionals
Mastery brings the new quantum neuroscience into organizations, to teach leaders of organizations and teams how to activate the full potential of employees in their personal and professional lives. This inside out approach leads teams and employees to drive change themselves instead of being driven and directed in this very fast moving world.
To master your organisation:
gain mastery over the balance of all elements,
free from resistance,
so that the organization excels in creating potential results.
Mastery guides professionals in improving results with this unique, new, inside-out approach.
Using practical system models for the strategic translation of vision, combined with quantum neuroscience and psychology, you create fast, effective and sustainable change.
Organizations and employees experience constant movement in and around them. If exercise is not managed properly, stress, low engagement and a lack of productivity ensue.
Mastery specializes in creating empowerment, pro-activity and autonomy of the individual employee and sharpening the focus on results in combination with increasing the dynamics in the co-creation of teams and organizations.
The result?
Increased effectiveness, commitment and involvement of employees, more creativity, productivity, and ultimately improved business results.
So why do investments by organizations in mergers, transitions, new personnel, training, etc. not lead to the desired results?
The primary reason is a misunderstanding about how to direct sustainable change. Desired strategic changes in organizations require attention to the power of mentality; the mindset.
The mindset of an organization or team refers to the collection of deep-rooted beliefs, values and attitudes.
The way of thinking determines the choices and behavior of people within the organization and the resulting ‘atmosphere’ or culture of the organization.
Although from a vision perspective strategy and procedures are important to outline a framework, it is ultimately the movement from the human being that determines the result.
Failure to align with the team members’ Mindset will subconsciously create a culture in which employees make certain choices and act in certain ways because they think they ‘have to’ rather than because they ‘want’.
‘Should’ is the mindset of lack of involvement and lack of autonomy and this directly affects effectiveness.
‘Wanting’ is the Mindset of autonomy, professionalism, development and change, within the framework of the vision.
Many people are not aware of their mindset. This is because they trade on autopilot 95% of the time. Completely unaware of the beliefs and filters programmed into their brains over the course of their lives.
Neuroscience shows that everyone is able to change from consciousness. We can literally rewire our brains and swap out old, outdated limiting beliefs and programs for new, empowering beliefs, strip away dusty filters, and broaden our lens of reality to a desired future.
Mastery guides professionals in creating a culture that is aligned with the vision and focused on the new desired reality.
Mastery teaches managers to connect to each other and to a vision, to create awareness and to enable personal and joint change and co-creation.
Mastery transforms organizations from the inside out, where leaders have a clear and well-communicated vision and employees are aware and feel involved, both personally and as part of the team, of their added value to the result.
Identify where thoughts, emotions and feelings limit development, change the energy from the mindset and you change reality.