The Cognitive Dissonance Block of Truth

The Cognitive Dissonance Block of Truth


Cognitive dissonance is the mental conflict that occurs when core beliefs are contradicted by new information.


The unease or tension that this conflict arouses in people is relieved by one of several defensive maneuvers: they reject, explain away, or avoid the new information; persuade themselves that no conflict really exists; reconcile the differences; or resort to ridicule, anger or any other defensive means to preserve stability of their conceptions of the world and themselves.


Our individual and collective human system is used to a certain “normal” way of operation.

A way of understanding and perceiving this life, that we have become familiar and comfortable with.

We like our comfort zone.

Change causes the human system stress.

We rather stay in the known, even if this known is faulty, then accepting the challenge of diving in the unknown.

Our human survival Mind demands control to find familiarity and regain safety in stress of change.


But if you like it or not change is here.

We will

No longer look away!!!

And no one will ever have the same perspective again because everything is changing in this worldwide virus of Truth coming to Light.


It is forcing and teaching us, by confronting us with our own and collective mental conditioning that blocks expansion and change.

Triggering every lower aspect in your emotional database with memories of fear, insecurity, lack and loneliness.

In the now we are all confronted with these aspects in our own personal way, revealing our own history of fear.


Fear about safety, fear about health, fear about death (fear about being laughed at or being called crazy when we bring up Truth)


Fear, the lowest dense vibration that causes the human design to transit from creation of life to survival for life.

Fear is the most devastating hormonal virus in the human body.


We have two systems in our human design that can operate and sit behind the stirring wheel, navigating this portal of change:


  1. Mental – your Subconscious Mind

With your subconscious Mind you surpress, deny and reject fear and activate survival behavior of Fight, Flight, Freeze, Hide and Fawn.

This behavior of the Mind does not actually deal with the fear but finds a way to relate to it. And if fighting and flying from it is no option, like with this virus and our Lockdown, we move into Freeze, Hide and Fawn. We adapt and submit to our surrounding narrative to regain the feeling of belonging and safety.


  1. Emotional & Spiritual – your Conscious Heart

With your full awareness you understand the triggers, the emotions that you feel, the survival mode based on your hi-story that kicks in automatically.

You see and observe what happens but you discern.

You are able to hold on to the driving wheel, reverse, sit back and feel your way through the emotion, quiet your Mind and remain in the Now.

When you break through the cognitive dissonance you release fear and enter your heart space.

There you can feel what your heart and Spirit are telling you. What is right for you in this moment connected to all. What is your truth alinged with your path and your values and mission in this Life connected to all there is.


Your Mind builds up a persona/ego in the early age of childhood. This is the protection asset of the human design system.

For as a child you have to be able to adapt to your surroundings in order to get what you need; love, attention, basic needs, etc.

This means you have to deny and repress those parts of you that see or feel different emotions then what your family or others allow you to deal with. So your Mind adapted to this narrative to survive the reality back then.


It is to be devastating for a child to acknowledge the fact that your parents could, would or cannot give you what you needed, so you make it go away with your Mind.

To make this reality acceptable, your younger self build up a persona/ the Ego that found a way to hide your truth and adapt to collective narratives and do what was asked of you to belong.

Afraid you would be left behind, unaccepted, ignored, ridiculed, unwanted amd unloved.

The Mind develops strategies to prevent this at all times, such as: fight, flight, freeze, hide and fawn.


These strategies allowed the child to ignore, deny and surpress these devastating emotions that it could not deal with, by using a mental block of core believes to burry these emotions in the subconcious.

These strategies become core beliefs with programs you still live according to.


Core believes about how you should behave, how life works, who you can trust, how you can stay safe etc.

Mind programs that feed you a narrative of normal and safety, installed by your upbringing from your parents, schools, culture and your government.

Core beliefs that gave you security by blocking your fears and your own truth.

Security that is now gone.


Because now you know now you’re in trouble.


Cognitive dissonance is the extremly uncomfortable feeling that occurs when you are presented with a truth in your reality that actually resonates with that deep feeling of fear. The fear that you are not safe, not wanted, will be left alone and will not survive and die.

The deepest human collective fear.

And because your Mind so wants to protect the programmed core believes it will do anything to rationalise, ignore and even deny any evidence that is being presented that does not fit your core belief. Because that will give you safety, even if it is not true.


Your Mind will pull you away from the lower emotions of fear, insecurity, shame, guilt, rage.

Your Mind is afraid you will not be able to handle the truth.

Truth that is being played out in your reality now that causes you to fear.

Truth that makes you want to get back to feeling in control of life as it was.

Truth that make you resist life as it is.

Truth that confronts you with finding out you can no longer rely and trust what you thought was normal or good for you.

Truth that has you question what to believe.


Truth about the evil on this planet.


If we dare to look fear in the eye.

We can acknowledge and discern truth by dealing with our emotions.

If we break through cognitive dissonance

We will overcome evil!!!


To become aligned with who you truly are individually and for us to become aligned in Truth as a collective,

We need to take back the stirring wheel from the control of the Mind and let the Heart drive and navigate us through the darkness of all our emotions, to lead us up up to the Light.


Break through the cognitive dissonance.

Feel beyond and find truth.

Trust and surrender.

Tell your Mind all is well.

You did a great job protecting me.

I will take it from here.

I can deal with the truth that is shown to me in my reality.

And trust in your higher Self, Spirit, the divine God part in you to lead the way.

Trust your path.

Trust the plan.

Trust your heart.

Stand in your own truth.


If what it is presented to you resonates it is truth.

If it feels good it is aligned with who you and who we truly are:

Unconditional Love







If what is presented to you does not feel good, dare to question what this is telling you?

Dare to acknowledge where you might have been wrong in your and in our collective judgment and forgot discernment.

Dare to find and stand in your own truth.

What is this negative emotion telling me? What triggered it? Is it mine? Do I let it enter my reality? Is it projected on to me? What do I feel, see, hear, know deep deep down in my heart.


Use your own discernment, your heart, your intuition, in this portal of rapid change.

Your emotions are your indicators of alignment with the divine part of you.

Never deny your emotions.

Never deny your own truth.

Let go of fear and anchor into your heart.

Let your heart navigate you now and always.

Be gentle with yourself.

You are doing so well.

We are in this together.

Where we go one we go all.


Sending love into this world ❤️

Danielle Stotin