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NOW is the time to reconnect with the vision we all hold for what we want to see unfold for humanity, Mother Earth and life.
NOW is the time to realign with the frequency of peace, harmony and equality in our hearts. The frequency that resonated within all of us and awakened a deep, deep knowing and confidence in the changes needed.
YOU and I have worked hard to understand and overlook the vast matrix illusion we were trapped in.
We have freed our consciousness from this prison and let go of what we thought was normal, but what we felt deep in our hearts all our lives; it was wrong.
The GREAT AWAKENING is taking place.
Once again we are being asked to navigate our way through these energies in order to ascend further into the higher timelines that we know we have come for.
Dear Old Soul,
Angel on this planet, here to bring light. Once more;
It’s time to go upstairs.
Time for ascension. Shine your light.
It’s time to move up.
Time for ascension.
Ascension is a word translated in some languages as: lift, take off or climb.
Rising to an ever greater view, to a higher point, a higher consciousness, with an ever deeper understanding of existence in this world.
The contrast of ascending, the opposite, is descending; descend.
As a rock climber you have both options in life.
Your birth is the start of your great climb.
The moment you, as a soul, descended into your body, into this life, into this family.
There you start the way up.
Along lessons in love and fear. Through relationships with the people around you, through all kinds of situations and especially through all the different emotions.
Up the path of your life, up the mountain.
Ascension is an individual, but also a collective process, on the level of humanity and on the level of this planet Earth.
In evolution nothing stands still and everything is always changing.
The 3D dimension of life is a consciousness, a view, at the foot of the mountain.
A consciousness that is based on the illusion that safety of life arises if you meet the expectations of the system around you.
This is how you learn as a child to adapt to the rules of your parents’ upbringing, to the rules of school and to the rules of society, for lived by the government in your country.
If you stick to that, if you adapt, you’ll be fine.
From that awareness we protect ourselves from the conviction that otherwise there will be a shortage, that we will not make it alone.
We adapt from fear and uncertainty. Afraid there isn’t enough.
That it is simply distributed unfairly in the world.
That there is rich and poor.
That sometimes the sun breaks through, but that there can also be clouds hanging over your head.
But if you stick to the rules you’ll stay dry…maybe.
A nice existence.
A little further up the mountain, we all encounter another dimension of consciousness, 4D. When the security you thought you could control turns out to be an illusion.
When safety falls away in your life.
If your trust is damaged in people, situations and institutions.
When life threatens and uncertainty and fear overtake you.
Due to illness, dismissal, divorce, etc.
The big life events that make you long for what it was like when you didn’t know, saw and felt this yet.
You are in the middle of the clouds that hang halfway up the mountain.
In the middle of the storm. Without a view in the fog.
Where we are now.
The way back seems to be the fastest and safest option. Back to a nice orderly but very controlled and hectic existence.
Or go upstairs?
Could it be different.
The mountaineer’s free will.
Walking through the storm and the dark clouds brings every person into a higher consciousness.
The moment you have nothing left to lose, when the way back is not an option, the only thing you can do is to let go of the appearance of control in life and surrender to higher forces.
Through tough times, tough emotions and a sense of despair and loneliness.
Only then do you learn about real life as a human being.
Then you experience that the gravity of the earth carries you.
That you don’t fall.
That the ground doesn’t sink from under you.
That you don’t perish.
That if you let go and ask yourself out loud all alone: Now what? What should I do now?
That answers will come.
That you get direction. That you are connected to higher, invisible, but palpable forms of life.
That the Universe sends you what it takes.
If you dare to let go and only dare to be, in the middle of the storm.
That moment teaches you confidence.
That there is no control.
That there are no rules that can guide life. There is no body outside of you that has power.
That moment takes you from a lower consciousness, through the dark to the possibility of a higher consciousness of light, love and freedom.
Then you realize that all the power, light, nourishment, inspiration for creation in your life, all the answers lie within you. When you connect and trust yourself, your intuition. But especially on the Universe that is connected to everything and everyone, through the energy that flows through you.
Because further up the mountain, you rise above the clouds. There the air becomes finer and lighter, the view reaches far around you and you feel peace and victory.
Looking back towards the valley. Now that you look back, do you understand where you were and how you thought then. When you couldn’t know that it’s so beautiful and nice up here.
That you can feel so connected and one, standing alone on that mountaintop.
When you still thought that there was no way up through the stream and that you couldn’t possibly do it alone. Now you realize what you learned through that storm and that that period of time was necessary to learn to trust yourself.
In a 5D dimension of consciousness you come to the top of the mountain.
You recognize that consciousness in a different way of life than the 3D way down in the valley.
Living 5D here and now means:
- Trust that everything is going as it should.
- Know that everything has a higher purpose.
- Seeing that the Universe gives you direction and interpretation if you pay attention to it.
- Experienced that everything comes to light.
- No more feeling fear, guilt or shame towards yourself or others.
- Know that everyone grows at their own pace.
- Detachment from possessions and matter and the need to consume (eating, buying, etc.)
- Deep sense of intuition as the basis instead of letting go of reason and ego that is afraid of shortage.
- Recognize yourself in everything and everyone.
- Desire for silence and all are instead of a need for distractions such as TV, radio, etc.
- disease in a broader context.
- Searching for life based on meaning and contributing to a world in which everyone is free to use their own talents.
- Treat the earth and its inhabitants with care.
- Don’t take more than you really need.
- Be at peace with everything and everyone.
From 3D to 5D.
From a Mind regulated consciousness, to a Heart and higher self consciousness.
From Duality to Unity
From Selfishness to Caring
From Jealousy to Tolerance
From Polarity to Equivalence
From Power to Respect
From Conditional to Unconditional
From Judgment to Compassion
From Fear to Love
From Hate to Compassion
From Drama to Heaven on Earth.
It’s beautiful up here.
It’s time to move up.
It is time for ascension.
Sending love into the world ???
Danielle Stotin