Mastery Level 2
This follow-up program offers you the tools to bring yourself into balance and in line with your own identity and truth.
Let go of all of the inscripted layers and be who you were before your light got dimmed.
Your script consists of the archetypes, the shadow, the self-sabotaging thoughts, emotions and habits that you carry with you from the past.
Learning to shift the script of karma and all the other Mind and Body layers and switches within yourself to the Dharma of light you.
You will learn to be, think, feel, sleep, eat and communicate lighter and you will gain insight into your potential, that which makes you unique.
You learn your own identity, recognize your DNA so that you can grow and learn to bring yourself into a line of balance at all levels, as life is meant for.
Only then can you control your qualities, talents, challenges, pitfalls and pain from mastery in the contrast and cycle of life. You get to work with shadow work, light work and learning to become who you are; your truth, your way, your light.
The Mastery level 2 program offers you a complete workbook to work on your own truth and your own path.
By following the assignments in this biographical workbook and the two weekly classes, you will visualize the path of your own life and explore how to walk it in your own way.
The method teaches you to make real change in your life in 10 steps:
Step 1 Determine transformation starting point and goal
Step 2 Understand the laws of the Universe
Step 3 Get to know the operation of your own system
Step 4 Scan the 7 life themes in your life
Step 5 Discover your story and survival mechanisms
Step 6 Deactivate the old negative program of the Mind
Step 7 Develop autonomy and intuition from your true self
Step 8 Clear blockages in and around you
Step 9 Detox and nourish your system
Step 10 Living and communicating from Mastery
Mastery level 2 starts on August 28th at 19:00 and ends on the 18th of December, carrying you into Christmas and into the end of this cycle year.
There will be a teaching every two weeks as we take the 10 steps a long the path of Mastery Level 2 together.
Recordings of the Zoom teaching are then available to watch at your own time.
Program content level 2:
- Access to a private group online at House of Evolution where you have lifetime access to all material.
- 2 x a month a zoom lesson with Danielle of 1 hour.
- Mastery study materials and meditations referenced in the teachings.
- Mastery Workbook with theory and assignments to support the process (reading, writing, creative forms).
- Chat forum to connect with other participants and ask questions.
- All lessons are recorded and can be viewed indefinitely.
Program costs level 2 including 10% discount for Inner Circle members:
540,- euro incl. all materials with 10% discount
600,- euro incl. original cost.
Or pay in two times but then 100%: 2 x 300,- (pay in two times, please email me)
Results level 2:
- Awarness of your full shadow script, triggers and old timelines
- You learn to recognize the cycles in your life story, your path, your purpose and that of your family system.
- You start to deprogram the layers that block you and let go of the ego identity.
- You have identified your Light and blueprint in your DNA trinity.
- Level 2 knowledge of the Mastery Mind, Body, Spirit teachings.
- Auto biography workbook to assit to clarify your life path.