Mastery of the Self level 1
Last Minute Price 185,- euro
This program offers you guidance in gaining full insight into your true Self.
Opening up your conciousness and laying foundation for a quantum leap in your personal development.
In 7 weeks you will work on your process of Self Mastery in a group of like minded souls to identify:
- your 7 energy centres
- your identity roles and archetypes
- your behaviours, blocks, shadows and light.
The Mastery method is a psychological, emotional, spiritual and physical teaching of self development that offers you understanding of your own being in all it’s layers, dimensions and timelines.
This understanding of life is identical for everyone yet on a personal level very different and personal.
This program allows you to perceive your Self and your path in life from a very broad perspective, giving you tools and means to navigate your Self on your path.
A program that brings you closer to yourself and grounds you to become more powerfull in your energy and your being.
Allowing you to change behaviours and actions in the way you connect and communicate with yourself and the people around you.
Changes in your life and in your environment can only be made from the inside out.
When you learn to comprehend were your adaptations, attachements and traits come from you can choose new pathways of being, feeling and responding.
Change starts within you.
Mastery Level 1 awakens you to who your really are as a whole being, as opposed to who you thought you have had to be.
The start on your journey of Self Love , Self Healing and Self actualization.