Mastery Online Coach Year Training

Mastery Coach Year Training


Mastery Coach Training start January 2025

Coaching is offering someone the space, tools and frameworks to grow

This Coach training is intended for anyone who wants to master coaching as a talent and skill.

Coaching is aimed at gaining insight into yourself and increasing (self) awareness.
From these insights and from a greater awareness, a choice arises to acquire different behavior and other experiences and outcomes in life.

The purpose of coaching is for the person being coached to grow in autonomy and to increase their self-management capacity in various situations. Through coaching, people gain a better picture of their own vision, potential, challenges, qualities and pitfalls.
They become aware of the patterns of thinking, feeling and acting and their effects on the various relationships, communications and situations in life, both private and professional. This awareness creates space and movement to influence one’s own behavior in the direction of desired results.
Coaching creates conscious, proactive, effective, responsible and autonomous people and/or employees.

The Mastery Coach training offers training, conceptual and psychological education, (self) awareness development, recognizing one’s own personal qualities in this area and developing skills to use as a coach.
Mastery in supporting others in their development process.

Learning to guide the process of concious development of others, by learning to direct your own process is key in this training in the first place.
A training that increases your autonomy and professionalism, while you learn to guide others on the path of his or her development.

The development and growth in life that we all go through in our own way, both personally and professionally.

To grow into the best version of yourself.


Module 1 Introduction & The Basics of Coaching

Module 2 Mastery basic principles

Module 3 Coaching interventions

Module 4 The Phases of Development

Module 5 Growth in Consciousness

Module 6 Growth in Autonomy

Module 7 The Transactional Analysis theory

Module 8 The life script in coaching

Module 9 Communication skills

Module 10 Stress & Burn out coaching

Module 11 Language development coaching

Module 12 The coaching Toolbox

Module 13 Fear of Failure & Self-Confidence

Module 14 (Personal) Leadership

Module 15 Transition & Transformation

Module 16 The 7 life themes

Module 17 The 7 floors of emotional development

For whom?

Those who want to professionalize themselves as coaches, employed by an organization or independently.
Those who want to explore how coaching can enhance their own and professional development.
Those who want to develop in the field of coaching, guidance and development from the HRM department of an organization.
Managers who want to develop a coaching style of leadership.


Intensive online training with a lot of personal attention and contact
Online training platform and group to communicatie with
Theoretical modules in online learning environment
Training skills: trying out, experiencing, reflecting, developing alternatives and trying again
Working with trial clients
Working on reflection assignments
Learning groups
Self study
Process work; working on one’s own autonomy
Case studies from your own current situation
Book list
Final presentation specialization

After completion of the course you will receive a Mastery Coaching certificate and will be able to start on and off line coaching.


10 joint online training classes of 4 hours with 0,5 hour break.

2 x 1-1 personal online coaching session of 1.5 hours

Dates 2025

Thursdays 15.00 CET 23 January, 20 February, 20 March, 17 April, 22 May, 19 June, 18 September, 23 October, 20 November, 18 December.


From the 12th of July untill the 30th of August there is a Summer discount:

1.250 euros incl. study materials, courses and guidance.

Normal price is 1.750.

Enroll now and reply to my welcome email with your motivation and ambition and I will get back to you to plan a personal zoom call.


For further, email: